The Blogger Q&A Tag

The lovely Susie from This is Me Now nominated me for my first blogger Q&A tag. Basically it’s a list of questions for me to answer.  I then set some other questions for other members of the blogging community. I love finding out more about the people behind the blogs I follow so this is a good opportunity to delve a bit deeper and be a little nosey inquisitive!  If you are feeling nosey too read Susie’s Q&A answers here!

I found Susie’s blog through #TribalChat – a super supportive group who we have Katie from Mummy in a Tutu to thank for setting up.  Susie’s blog is a light-hearted and honest commentary on the ‘ups and downs’ of parenting and life in general.

So here goes…Susie asked:

1. Why did you become a blogger?

Sooooo many reasons I suppose!  On a personal level I love writing and felt like I needed a bit of a creative outlet.  In addition to this:

  • I am passionate about making people aware of the benefits of Mindfulness – for both adults and children… and about passing on some tips and techniques from my own experiences and training as a Mindfulness Coach.
  • I also think that the concept of living mindfully can sometimes be misrepresented and so started the blog to try and show that being mindful doesn’t have to be lots of formal meditative practice everyday (but of course it does involve some, and will involve lots of meditation  for some people too – it’s about what the individual can fit into their lives at a give time).
  • Blogging about Mindfulness helps ME to be mindful as it reminds be of the essential principles and to ensure I integrate them as much as possible into my own life.

2. What’s your favourite thing to write about?

As well as enjoying writing about Mindfulness I love to blog about the chaos and reality of family life with toddler twins and an older boy.  I also enjoy blogging about my experiences in the classroom as a secondary school teacher – I find it really helpful for reflecting on both my parenting and my teaching strengths/weaknesses.

3. What do you find the hardest thing about blogging?

Finding time to blog!  Blogging can be addictive but there are only so many hours in the day so it can be time-consuming and so there is lots that I would like to do more/better with the blog but I have other priorities like family and school.

4. Do you have a special Christmas dish that you make every year?

God no, I’m pretty rubbish at cooking.  My hubby is the one who cuppaLOVES to be in the kitchen so it would be rude of me to get in his way 🙂

5. Are you a coffee or tea kind of person?

The first thing I have to have in the morning is a cup of tea and then I will have a few more throughout the day – there are not many things that are quite as comforting as holding a hot cup of tea and being still and savouring it for a moment.  Enjoying a cuppa actually lends itself very well to Mindfulness.

6. What is your favourite food?

OOOOOh this is tricky as I love food in general!  May I say steak for savory and something chocolatey and laced with salted caramel for pud please?

7. Where is the best place you’ve ever travelled to?

I have not travelled further afield than Europe and would love to travel more one day.  However I do love the Alps – we’ve visited Austria, Switzerland and France.  I LOVE the mountains and find the scenery so peaceful.  I am also a keen skier.  This post gives you a little more insight into how I feel about skiing in the Alps.

8. What are your plans for your blog next year?

As described here in 2017 I am trying to bring the blog more in line with my business Mission: Mindfulness.

9. What is your favourite blogger app?twitter-logo-vector-download

Eek this shows how amateur I am –  I don’t really have one… does Twitter count?!

10. What’s your favourite tipple?!

I LOVE a Kir Royale on a special occasion so will definitely be having one or two this Christmas!

Thanks so much for the questions Susie.  I am nominating:

My questions are (not too dissimilar to Susie’s funnily enough!):

  1. Why do you blog?
  2. Which is the most popular post on your blog to date?
  3. What is your ‘day job’ if you are not a full-time blogger?
  4. What are your hopes and dreams for 2017 – for the blog and/or for life in general?
  5. Tell us a little more about your family please.
  6. How do you relax when you have the chance?
  7. What is your favourite TV show?
  8. What is your favourite tipple?
  9. What top ‘blogging’ tip would you give a new blogger?
  10. What top ‘life’ tip would you give your children?

Thanks for agreeing to take part and good luck! xx

Diary of an imperfect mum
You Baby Me Mummy
Diary of An Imperfect Mum