PointShoot Post #4: Crystal Palace Park

In keeping with the spirit of mindfulness, this series provides an opportunity for me to practice the art of gratitude.  Remembering, through quick snaps taken on my phone, the things I may otherwise take for granted in my busy life if I didn’t take a moment to stop and reflect.
It is a chance to consider those family moments that may otherwise get lost in the fast pace of everyday life.  Those moments between all the tears and tantrums that regularly occur but can all too easily be missed.
It’s about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary.

My  last ‘Point Shoot’ post detailed the fun we had on a trip to the National Trust site Ightham Mote during the final bank holiday weekend of May.  This post is also from that May Bank holiday weekend.  On the Monday we returned to a fab spot close to us – Crystal Palace park and went on a dino hunt.

The twins looking over the dinosaurs at Crystal Palace Park

It was a great reminder of how lucky we are where we live.  We are never short of fun things to do and there is a real sense of community.  When the girls first saw the sculptures there was real excitement and they were in awe of the size of them – it has been a few years since I had been and I had forgotten just how big the models are!  While we were on our adventure we also bumped into another twin mum and dad and had a lovely chat with them about the ups and downs of parenting multiples.

As you can see from the first photo twin 1 and the eldest had great fun playing together in the sandpit whilst twin 2 immediately headed over to a gaggle of older girls to ‘play’.  Her confidence is something to behold at the moment.

I loved that I wasn’t in charge of the picnic and was very impressed with the food that hubby had put together while I’d taken the eldest to his early morning swimming lesson.  We all sat and enjoyed the sandwiches after exploring the dinosaur sculpture area of the park  and before visiting the playground.

However my favourite moment was when our boy read out the first sign about the dinosaurs to his sisters.  He read it beautifully and was obviously proud of himself.  It was great to see how all the reading together we have done over the years is starting to pay off.

The 3 children looking at a sign in Crystal Palace Park

I love May for its two Bank Holiday weekends and also being my Birthday month too.

What were your May highlights?


Diary of an imperfect mum #PointShoot









