Top 10 Ski Travel Must Haves for a Mindful #MarkWarnerMum

Anybody who knows me knows that my hubby and I LOVE to ski.  In fact we love skiing so much our eldest is named after a famous skier (and he’s not called Herman…).

I’ve also blogged before about how for me, being in the mountains and skiing too, help me be more mindful.  In essence, it’s my way of ‘rebooting’ and enjoying the wonders of the present moment.    Happy New Year(1).png

So when I read Amy Treasure’s post about her festive holiday in Val d’Isere (and saw her gorgeous Instagram feed) I felt lots of admiration for her getting stuck into the skiing lessons, mixed with a fairly large dollop of envy on the side. You see, pre-twins, we would always go skiing over the festive period and I was definitely missing the mountains sat in grey and drizzly South-East London.  I even went as far as to put a little montage together of some old skiing photos as my ‘happy new year’ message to ‘virtually’ immerse myself in the mountains instead of really being there.

Amy and the other Mark Warner Blogger Ambassadors are now passing on the the baton and as we are beginning to think about our up-coming ski holiday to the ultra child-friendly Flaine in the northern French Alps, the Mark Warner ’10 Travel Must Haves’ challenge caught my eye.

So I’ve taken up the challenge and here are my ‘must-haves’ for a family skiing holiday:

Must-have #1An Intention.  Go with a strong intention to have a blast in a ski resort…and you will.  This is the ‘hoodie’ that I live in when I’m ‘loafing’ around the ski apartments and it always reminds me that the holiday is as much for me as it is for the kids.  FullSizeRender(19).jpg

Must-have #2Warm Stuff.  Obvious right?  Well I’ll also add that is FUN and EYE-CATCHING.  Firstly, no one wants to be battling with the little ones to get their kit on so some fun and comfy outdoor wear is a must.  Secondly, if you are trying to do a ‘ski-by’ of a class to check how the children are getting on, it helps if they stand out from the crowd.

Must-have #3:  Sun protection.  Don’t fall into the trap of thinking this is a winter holiday so sun protection won’t be needed.  The mountains are a fabulous place to enjoy some bright and beautiful sunny days.

Must-have #4:  The mountain version of the Mum bag aka a ‘changing bag’.  A rucksack like this is a must on the mountains – practical – and a little bit bling.  To pack the usual bits and a few more added extras besides.

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Must-have #5:  Last year’s lift pass.  If you are returning to a familiar resort take your old lift pass so that it can be reused – it’s good for the environment (and the pocket!).

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Must-have #6:  Some family games for a bad weather afternoon or a cosy evening in front of the fire.  We love playing card games and other ‘old school’ games on our hols.  Uno is also a firm favourite for a family break.

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Must-have #7:  Some reading material.  Remember I mentioned a cosy night in front of the fire?  Well don’t forget something to read when you’re curling up.  It’s a good opportunity to catch up on some Mindfulness reading for me :-).  Also a chance to fill out your ‘gratitude log’ which also ties in very nicely with the #MWmoment principle of capturing a special moment to commit to memory.

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Must-have #8:  Entertainment if people have weary legs from skiing. If you’re self-driving chuck a sledge in.  Flying?  Sneak in a bumboard or two.  Or just hire in resort.  For afternoons when the kids still want to play outside but are too tired to ski anymore.


Must-have #9:  Something for the evening.   Ever since living and working in a skfullsizerender20i resort I have loved the laid back ski resort vibe.  Warm knits and lots of layers are the order of the day.  This has been my go to evening cardigan for a couple of seasons now as it adds a bit of sparkle but is also very relaxed too.

Must-have #10:  And for a good night’s sleep?  Don’t forget the little ones’ fave cuddly toys too!

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  Have fun if you are about to embark on your first family ski trip or are planning one for next season.

If you are a seasoned skiing family is there anything you would add to the list?

Two Tiny Hands


Diary of an imperfect mum


58 thoughts on “Top 10 Ski Travel Must Haves for a Mindful #MarkWarnerMum

  1. Love this! Any tips for lessening “mum guilt”? We’re about to head on our first trip with our twin 3yr old boys but worried I’m going to spend any time away from them feeling guilty that I should be with them 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhhh Sarah – enjoy the holiday, knowing that you deserve a break and that you are giving them the opportunity to gently explore a skill that they will most likely enjoy for life! Also, remember ‘mum guilt’ is totally normal and so, as best you can, try not to beat yourself up about it my love. xx


  2. Such a great list of helpful tips!! Not quite brave enough for a family skiing trip, but when we are, I will definitely check this list again. Thanks so much Hayley!! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Do you know I’ve never been skiing! Not once. The idea terrifies me, but in all honesty the opportunity has not really arisen either. Number one rings true for all family holidays tho. We just returned from our first overseas trip since Lilly was born and it was nothing like a pre-baby holiday! We had a nice time, but it is much less relaxing with an 11mo!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I only learned to ski and snowboard in my twenties so I never gained enough confidence. Therefore, my children will start early. I do think, that skiing can be somewhat dangerous, so you need to be calm and confident. #globalblogging

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely list. I never went skiing when I lived in the UK/Europe. Now that I’m in South Africa it is almost impossible. I live fairly close to Lesotho where there is the Afri-Ski resort but snow here is a bit hit and miss so planning in advance isn’t really possible, and rocking up at short notice is very expensive. Maybe one day we’ll get to it.

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  6. Great list, I’m loving that hoody and the mittens. My husband really wants to try skiing but I’m not brave enough. Maybe he’ll persuade me once our youngest is a bit older. Amy’s post certainly gave me second thoughts, her pictures were stunning x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s good to have a hobby. I’ve never been much of a skier. I dabbled in cross country skiing in my younger days but I’ve never been brave enough for downhill skiing. #GlobalBlogging

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a great list, if we ever manage to go skiing with our two little ones I will be sure to refer back to this…I wouldn’t have thought to take a rucksack on the slopes but it would definitely be required #familyfun

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  9. You are rocking the ski world! I’d love to come on holiday with you I imagine it would be an eye opener for my OH who doesn’t see the value of board games yet but also I just think it would be relaxed and fun even with the parenting roles chucked in! ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Great list, I am always amazed at the fact that we need Sunscreen in such freezing weather! 🙂 We have just had 3 months of snow, I need a little heat for a bit …. Thanks for co-hosting this week! Loved having you!


  11. I have only ever been skiing once when I was at school. I really enjoyed it, but I am not such a daredevil now and I think I would be terrified ha ha! You do make it sound very appealing though, perhaps I would just go and do the whole Apres-Ski thing? You can’t beat the clear mountain air though xx

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