Guest series: Mindfulness and Me #4

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As some of the regular readers may know one of the main aims of this blog is to inspire other busy parents to give Mindfulness a go and to help us help the next generation embrace mindful living.

mymindfulnessroutine_2 However, a very happy and unexpected by-product of the blog (and something I am extremely grateful for) is that I have become acquainted with some lovely like-minded bloggers who have some fabulous blogs of their own.

So I invited some of these bloggers to explain a little bit about their relationship with Mindfulness and add their voice to my blog through the ‘Mindfulness and Me’ guest series explaining how they have incorporated Mindfulness into their busy lives and why it is an approach to life that they value.  If this sounds like something that you would like to participate in then please do contact me by completing the form below.      It is also a chance for us to have a great insight into how flexibly Mindfulness can be applied to our lives.  The idea for this series was first conceived from the somewhat tongue-in-cheek interview which I did with my hubby recently.  You may want to read this here.logocircle

Lucy from Lucy’s Locket is our fourth participant.  I am very grateful to her for taking the time to answer the questions. Below are the questions and Lucy’s responses.

  1. When and how did you first come across Mindfulness?  I’m not entirely sure. My first formal experience with mindfulness was when my sister asked me to go along to her mother-in-law’s new meditation class. I went to show support more than anything else, and I loved it.
  1. What were your initial thoughts about it?

Before I went to the meditation class I didn’t think it would be for me, but I left the first class feeling so relaxed. I didn’t want to get in my car and drive home because I felt so peaceful and thought it would be dangerous! I also had the best night sleep I’d had in a long while.

  1. How has Mindfulness helped you personally?

I have a tendency, as many of us do, to always look for what’s next and want something ‘better’. Being mindful helps me to stay focussed on the present and enjoy the here and now, instead of always looking for something more.

Being mindful has also helped me form such a strong attachment with my daughter. I take her to work with me, so I spend a few days a week multi-tasking. Because of this, I am even make sure to focus on her and to cut out the distractions on my days off. I do my best to avoid being on my phone or computer during these times and either play with Lilly or be together with her.

  1. How do you fit Mindfulness into your busy life?

To me, mindfulness isn’t something that I need to make time for, it’s just a way of being. Although I multi-task a lot, I try not to multi-task for the important things.

  1. What are your ‘go to’ – informal or formal – practices (if you have them)?              As much as I enjoyed the meditation classes I haven’t been able to keep them up as I am breastfeeding and it’s not really practical to take Lilly with me. A babbling child may destroy the Zen!  I sometimes listen to guided meditation on my phone, but it’s not the same to me as being together with others in the same state of mind, incense burning and a ‘live’ guide. The atmosphere really makes it for me.Instead I try to incorporate some kind of meditation or mindfulness into my morning run or walk. I try to empty my mind, focus on my breathing and really take in my surroundings: the fresh air, the trees, the sunrise.
  1. How important do you think formal meditation is to someone who is trying to approach life mindfully?  I think it helps but is by no means essential.
  1. How would you like to extend your Mindfulness practice further?

I’d like to return to the formal meditation classes when I can leave my daughter for longer periods of time.

  1. Do you have friends or family who use Mindfulness techniques too?

See the answer to number 1.

  1. What ‘top tips’ do you have for someone thinking of trying Mindfulness for the first time?
  • Do less and take your time to do the things you love. Cut out unnecessary commitments. Spend your time doing things you enjoy and give them the proper time, focus and attention they deserve.
  • Focus on the present. Things have a funny way of falling into place.
  • Be positive. I don’t know if this is a typical mindfulness technique, but I try to look for the good and ignore the bad.
  • I won’t say stop multi-tasking, because I think that’s unrealistic in the busy world we live in. Instead, don’t multi-task when you’re doing the things that are important to you – spending time with children, eating meals as a family, talking to your friends/partner, etc.
  1. Who would you recommend Mindfulness to and why?

Everyone! I’m sure you saw that answer coming! I think mindfulness has helped me live a more positive life. I am very happy in my own skin and not too bothered about what other people think of me. I think this has developed in part because I am mindful of the things I do and the reasons why I do them and try to cut out things that don’t fit.

I’m sure you agree it is great to get someone else’s perspective on Mindfulness and what it means to them.  Lucy makes some excellent points and I’d like to thank her for taking part in the ‘Mindfulness and Me’ guest series.  If you’d like to read more from Lucy who is a working mum of one then please take a moment to visit her blog and connect with her in the usual ways.  Lucy started her blog in an attempt to connect with other like-minded working parents, to share some positive stories about parenthood and to share her experience with taking her baby to work in the hope that she might be able to inspire others to do the same.

You can find Lucy on Facebook and  Twitter.

Next time I am very excited to be welcoming Nicole from The Mum Reviews for ‘Mindfulness and Me’ #5 so please look out for this post. Please don’t forget to complete the contact form below if you are interested in taking part in this series. 

If you would like to write a comment to Lucy or myself about the series than please do so in the comment box below the contact form.

Thanks and bye for now.


Two Tiny Hands
Diary of an imperfect mum
Diary of An Imperfect Mum

7 thoughts on “Guest series: Mindfulness and Me #4

  1. Oops I meant to leave a blog comment and instead filled in your contact form. Sorry! I meant to say here that I love the advice about not multi-tasking when you’re doing something important to you – like being with your children – and not always looking forward to the next thing. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

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