Wicked Wednesdays #10: Bake me Happy!

I’ve borrowed a phrase from a lovely twin mum friend of mine (actually it’s the name of her blog which you can visit here – it has some great recipes on it by the way) for the title of this blog post.

You see the thinking is that activities such as baking encourage people to get into a state of ‘flow’.  This basically means that a person immerses themselves in an activity which is totally absorbing to them and leaves them neither bored nor anxious.  However, I think there should be a caveat applied here – baking can help you get into ‘flow’ and therefore be totally present AS LONG AS SMALL CHILDREN ARE NOT AROUND!!!!!

You see recently was the first time I attempted to bake something with ALL 3 of the kids ‘helping’.

Yes it got messy, and no, just for the record, I didn’t get into ‘flow’.

Still 3 out of 4 of us (you will see 1 tot opted out in the end!) had great fun and I didn’t even mind that my home ended up in a total mess…. AGAIN 🙂


My Wicked Wednesdays posts are inspired by the fabulous Brummy Mummy of 2 and her encouragement of us to share‘real’ family photos in her Wicked Wednesdays linky.

Two Tiny Hands

12 thoughts on “Wicked Wednesdays #10: Bake me Happy!

  1. I want to write that I truly enjoy baking with my son and I do enjoy some parts of it (like when everything goes like I want it) but when it all ends up in messes, frustrations, and tantrums, I do wonder who these moms are who seem to have such a glorious time baking with their kids. Are they truly leading those Pinteresting lives? Hmm…maybe their kids are older. I don’t know. Thanks for your honesty. #familyfun

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not at all – we can all ‘manage’ our profiles online can’t we but what’s the fun of always appearing perfect – it’s so unrealistic, unhealthy and unhelpful. Thanks for commenting. x


  2. Oh this is great, I bake with my kids and the mess stresses me out! Yet they enjoy it so we do it anyway. It’s all worth it when they have fun eh. Thanks for sharing at #familyfun


  3. I love baking and I am looking forward to the robot helping me bake cakes one day soon! Love the messy pictures, very good! Thanks for linking up to #familyfun


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