24 Mindful Hours in London

Ok so the title of this post is misleading in two ways.

Firstly, a few weeks ago my hubby and I went on a extended ‘date night’ as per the intention I outlined in a previous post about the summer holidays.  If truth be told it wasn’t quite 24 hours (maybe it was about 21 and a half hours to be exact!) but, however long it was, it was a much needed rest. We had a lovely relaxing time together staying next to the Tower of London (the photos below were taken from our ‘lastminute.com secret hotel’ which proved a great way to get a decent hotel at extremely good value) without being interrupted by extremely cute, but extremely demanding children.

Secondly, there was no way I was mindful for the whole of the time we were away.  Yes, I was ‘in the present’ for a good many moments of the little trip (‘little’ being an understatement as we took a train journey less than 20 minutes away from home and ended up staying about 10 minutes walk away from hubby’s place of work!).   AND the fact that the accommodation was only a short distance from the kids meant I could rest easy that we could get back if necessary, therefore helping me to stay grounded and not let my mind get hijacked by anxious thoughts.

I think I even managed to take a few sips of wine mindfully too – something I rarely achieve at home.   I even tried my hardest to engage in mindful eating (read about my struggles with this here) and succeeded with a few savoured mouthfuls.



It was lovely to take some time to take in the amazing view from the hotel and surrounding area – especially the beautiful view of the Thames we had at breakfast time.


However, of course my mind wandered – especially to thoughts of how the kids were getting on – the eldest with his grandparents and the twins with our fantastic nanny.  I struggled to keep the ‘Mummy Guilt’ in check and so sought solace in a relaxing couple of hours in the spa.  After all, everyone deserves a little bit of ‘me time’ I reminded myself and I did desperately need to recharge my batteries in order to be able to give the kids my all during the rest of the summer holidays.  It is true what they say – to be able to look after others, one must first look after oneself.


My husband was given my full attention when we were chatting and it was definitely the right time for a Digital Detox.  All too often he gets me nodding along to him while I’m doing other things – playing with the children, cleaning up, doing the washing, sitting on the laptop in the evening or flicking through my phone…. this day and night away reminded me how healthy it is to build in time for each other and we had a fab time together chatting, eating, drinking and wandering around a lovely part of London without any distractions.

As we started our (short!) journey home – on checking out the receptionist told us how she lived very close to us in south-east London (!) –  we agreed that we would definitely not leave it two years until we go on another night away that was just the two of us.

You never know we may even leave our hometown next time 🙂

Have you booked a night away with your partner recently?

Is it something that you think of as a luxury or a necessity?

 NB:  it goes without saying that little old me and my teeny blog have not been in cahoots with lastminute.com for a freebie  – I just included this information for the purposes of authenticity!


My Random Musings
Pink Pear Bear
Cuddle Fairy
Diary of an imperfect mum
A Mum Track Mind
Diary of An Imperfect Mum

23 thoughts on “24 Mindful Hours in London

  1. We rarely get away with four littles at home- but when we do it is so refreshing…also a little unnerving. I am home with the kids all day so it throws me off to be without them for more than a few hours I think it is pretty important though. Esp with a house full of kids and jobs and obligations.



  2. The photos are gorgeous!! It’s lovely that you got away for a break. I know how hard it can be to leave the children, and not spend the whole time worrying about them!! Where you ask if going away is a luxury, or a necessity, I’d say for me, it’s both! It’s something me and my husband do once a year, so that makes it a definite luxury! But it’s also a necessity, as by the time we go, we are desperate to be alone, with no children to think about. I’ve always found it really hard though, and been really anxious the whole time. However, we actually went away last weekend for my birthday, and it was the first time I hadn’t spent the whole time worrying and feeling guilty. I think this was because the children are finally old enough to understand when we tell them we are going away, and when we phoned, they’ve actually got enough conversation to tell us that they are having a great time!! I hope you get to go away again, I think it’s so important!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is nice to have some time to be you. It may not have been far, but it looks like you both had a lovely time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like you had a fantastic short break. We don’t have a babysitter for our three unfortunately so we have never stayed away overnight. I’m sure there will be a time in the future when we get the opportunity, when the children are older and we will certainly look forward to that time. #AnythingGoes Janet

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love reading your posts as I can at least remember to be mindful when reading them! A mindful date sounds like a lot of fun. I shiukd try it!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. #eatsleepblogrt I say go further and defo book something for January. To be the best you need the best and couple time is so essential. Maybe a weekend away? I’m think of getting my OH s break for xmas for us, I’d like to know if you was mindful upon your return

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep I think you’re right – we need to get something else booked in – maybe for our wedding anniversary at the end of December! Mmmm good question about being more in the present after the weekend away. I think I was…at least for the rest of that day on my return and it definitely helped hubby and I not take each other for granted so much. x

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Nights away are not something we have been able to do as a couple but we fit in times in the day just for us. In fact our last meal out was had just opposite the tower of london. Great spot. #EatSleepBlogRT

    Liked by 1 person

  8. where do i put in my order for some mindful time out like this?!? I havent had a moment alone since becoming pregnant!! Though I am getting 2 luxurious hours alone to myself in a coffee shop on friday as Nonna is babysitting… cue hallelujah chorus!
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime


  9. Ah so nice that you got to have a night away from home and the children, and also being able to have a bit of a digital detox too, we all need that every now and again. I am so guilty for always doing something, and never stopping, or really talking to my husband some day’s. We definitely need a date night, it’s been too long since we went anywhere together with the baby. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x


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