Wicked Wednesday #3: Happy Father’s Day

Another short mid-week post inspired by Brummy Mummy of 2’s ‘linky’ which is essentially a collection of real life parenting photos.  As I’ve said before, these pics are the antithesis of the slick, posed photos that people tend to post on their social media accounts to promote a certain image of themselves and their families (and I am as guilty as the next person of doing this on occasion too!).

This week’s ‘Wicked Wednesday’ photo is an attempt to show some appreciation for the fab men in our children’s lives and also to remind us that children don’t ever quite do exactly what we want them to do so sometimes there’s no point fighting it!

I was trying to get a lovely family shot with everyone smiling and looking at the camera – but, not a chance…. Twin 2 was climbing all over her daddy, Twin 1 more interested in the label on her ‘Christmas bear’ and our eldest was having a bit of a hot-headed moment!!!

fathers day pic

I reminded myself that this is ‘real’ family life and felt grateful for the three fabulous, spirited and adorable individuals who we have brought into this world and who definitely know their own mind :-).

So wishing all those Daddies out there a belated ‘happy Father’s Day’.  I hope you were shown how much you are appreciated by your families and were able to enjoy some mindful moments with your loved ones too.


P.S I realise this is yet ANOTHER photo of our messy lounge.  I promise we do get out the house regularly…


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1 thought on “Wicked Wednesday #3: Happy Father’s Day

  1. Oh I ruddy love this photo! It sums up parenting brilliantly!! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays and I can’t wait to see what you have lined up this week! x


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